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SIE 101

Social Impact Entertainment (SIE) is all storytelling that is self-aware of its potential impact on its audiences and incorporates that knowledge to effect positive change at the individual, local, or global scale on one or more social issues.

Industry leaders and academics have shared some of their best practices to get you started and dive deeper, many of which you can find in this section.

October 23, 2023

Deepening Engagement and Learning Impact through Virtual Reality Activations


July 17, 2023

Lights Camera Impact

This report benefited from the expertise, time, and contributions of multiple reviewers who provided invaluable feedback, sources, and guidance that helped shape this project. We are deeply grateful to them for lending their time, resources, and insights, as well as challenging us to think in new ways and deepening the analysis presented here.

June 1, 2023

TRIGGER WARNING – Gun Guidelines for the Media

America has more guns than people; more homicides, suicides, and unintentional deaths by firearm than any of its highincome peer countries by orders of magnitude. The number one cause of death for children and teens in America is gun violence.