We believe in the power of entertainment to create awareness that can change the way that people think about the world. Whether they are works of Fantasy, Documentaries, TV Series or other forms of media, Maria Farinha strives to tell impactful and inspiring stories that transform lives.
Maria Farinha Filmes wants to make a difference by changing the way that people see the world. They want to communicate stories through audiovisual media, that inspire positive impact. They works primarily on social and environmental films. For example, their film Way Beyond Weight (2012) deals with childhood obesity. This issue afflicts over 30% of the infant population in Brazil. The film was made available online and reached over one million viewers, besides being utilized to coach Brazilian health and educational professionals. Maria Farinha Filmes also has other projects that involve research in children play, Brazilian culture, and activism that are being produced for TV, cinema and the Internet.
Audiovisual content has shown itself to be a tool of extreme efficiency that possesses great potential power for transformation. Unfortunately, themes necessary to improve humanity are generally treated with less care than commercially driven ones. Maria Farinha explores those themes while always searching for quality and excellence. Also, in the making of Maria Farinha’s films, sets are always functioning with social and environmental concerns in mind.