SIE Society Speakers and Consultants Bureau
At SIE Society, our goal is to break down silos and build bridges. We succeed when the best of SIE is spotlighted, and our members connect to create mutually beneficial relationships.
The core values of SIE Society members are:
- Being supportive of others’ socially impactful projects within the SIE Society community
- Members putting into the community as much as they're able to take out
- Being collaborative with other members in bringing attention and awareness to important social issues
- Participating in meaningful, engaging, and constructive conversations around the power of storytelling and its impact on both society and the entertainment industry
How to Engage With SIES Speakers/Consultants
As with the SIES Jobs Board, these listings are offered as a free service for SIES Members. The SIE Society is providing these postings without endorsing or in any other way being responsible for any negotiations or other aspects of the arrangements that festivals, organizations, universities, or others may undertake in lining up engagements with the Speakers and Consultants listed on the board.
In order to determine whether you want to contact a particular person or organization for a potential panel, workshop, or other engagement, you should click on their profile icon, and review their background. The contact for each person/organization is listed in that profile.
Participation in the SIES Speakers/Consultant Bureau is limited to SIES Registered Members.
How to Be Listed as an SIES Speaker/Consultant
Once you have become a member, you may then apply for listing (see below) in one or more subject-matter areas where you have particular expertise and are interested in being considered for festival, organizational, academic, and other speaking and/or consultant engagements.
Please note that the SIE Society is not a broker or agent for such engagements. The terms, conditions, and responsibility for these are strictly between you and the engaging party, but we would like to know when you are speaking or working together so we might potentially feature such engagements in our SIES Newsletter and social media. This will also enable us to monitor the effectiveness of the board and to make periodic adjustments to enhance its reach and effectiveness in the SIE community.