Producing some forms of entertainment has become truly challenging during COVID-19, and talking about the virus and vaccines requires a great deal of education on the subject matter. Learn how to safely make content during the pandemic, and how to be informed about the content you create.What do these symbols mean?
If you are considering including COVID-19 messaging in your content, this guide is inspired by the successful “Designated Driver” storylines popularized by NBC in the late 80s. Building on ongoing research conducted by the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health, here’s how you can help create and encourage conscious content that models “Be a Protector” behavior, to slow the spread of COVID-19 for those most at risk—and open people up to getting the vaccine.
Location Housing has become a new challenge under COVID-19. Maritz put together a guide for producers, line producers and housing coordinators on how to implement the Bubble / Zone system into location housing decisions. The guide includes detailed hotel planning guidance, cleaning protocols and more.
In collaboration with local Unions (SIAESP and SINDCINE), Film Brazil developed the Health and Safety Protocols for all production of Audiovisual work in Brazil. Such Protocol went through approval from the Department of Health of the states of Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina.