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Case Studies & Impact Reports

Case studies will help you learn from successes and learning lessons of others. We’ve collected a large number of specific reports that will give you an intimate insight in what worked in the past, and let you stand on the shoulders of giants.

November 16, 2022

G-Impact Report: A Free Template for Impact Producers

Running an impact campaign with the release of a film or show is time-intensive, and reporting on the successes and lessons learned is essential. If you’re operating as a smaller team, getting an impact report going can be time-consuming. Based on their series Gaming Wall Street and the impact report they created for it, Prodigium Pictures now shares its the G-Impact Report Template.

October 5, 2022

CSS Teens & Screens 2022

Stories are at the heart of what makes us human. Scientific research confirms that storytelling affects us at the neural level. The parts of the brain that activate when listening and seeing audiovisual content are language, working memory, visual attention, and theory of mind.

September 8, 2022

Cause Marketing & Storytelling: A Guide to CSR

The goal of measuring impact is to effectively track, understand and communicate the impact of the film.* It can be difficult to measure when a story lands in a person’s heart,
especially when it takes root in unexpected ways, days, weeks, months or even years later. Thus, it is helpful to draw a distinction between measurable and unmeasurable impact. Measurable impact can be understood through what the audience learned, how their attitudes shifted…